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Summary of Main System Functions

Managing the Software

Manage Renewals Information
ReSure Explorer Search, drill down and manage data using a “tree” viewer of Sites and Insurable Entities
Site Manager Search for and update physical locations, bulk assignment of responsibility, bulk delete, bulk creation of Entity records
Entity Manager Search for and update insurable Entities, bulk assignment of responsibility, bulk delete
Export Create a spreadsheet template for importing data, or export your data to spreadsheets for updating, analysis and backup
Import Load Site and Entity data from spreadsheets
Manage Renewals Process
Users Register new users, view user details, manage user security
Access View Data Access permissions of system users
Timetable Create a timetable of renewal tasks and commence renewal events
Track Progress View user progress in collecting renewals data
Audit Trail Track user logons and activities
Reference Information
Period Establish periods (renewal years) for data collection, select period for managing data, roll forward data to a new period
Risk Class Create templates for capturing risk information from system library, modify, or create new templates, assign user access to Risk Classes
Region/Country Manage Geographical location of Sites, assign user access to Countries
Business 1 Manage primary Organisation structure, assign user access to Businesses
Business 2 Manage secondary Organisation structure
Data Types Set up currencies, measurements and conversion factors
My Start Page Link a document as a Start Page

Collecting the Information

Scoreboard Provides a summary of progress of the current user in providing renewals data for which they are responsible
Sites Provides a list of Sites for which the current user is responsible, with access to data management forms
Entities Provides a list of Insurable Entities for which the current user is responsible, with access to data management forms
Entity Table View Allows direct editing of Insurable Entity data, using a spreadsheet-like table view, without the use of forms
Export Create a spreadsheet template for importing data, or export your data to a spreadsheet for updating
Import Load Site and Entity data from spreadsheets

Publishing the Information

ReSure Explorer Search, drill down and manage data using a “tree” viewer of Sites and Insurable Entities
Collection Scoreboard Provides a summary of the progress of all users who are responsible for providing renewals data
Summary by Risk Class Provides report, using filters and sorts to display information within a specified Risk Class. Zone setting provides automatic conversion of currency and other measurements
Summary by Site and Risk Class Provides report, using filters and sorts to display information within a specified Risk Class, organised by Site. Zone setting provides automatic conversion of currency and other measurements
Summary by Site Provides report, using filters and sorts to display information about Sites
Risk Class Period Comparison Compares totals of numeric values within a Risk Class by insurance period. Zone setting provides automatic conversion of currency
My Reports Provides access to list of previously saved reports that may be re-run at any time with updated information